We inquire youngsters to your workplace from inside the teams, to accomplish a little research-founded advanced enterprise in a few industry app technology
That is right
Ruben Ogbonna:
There are some students who are better suited or have an interest in further exploring their curiosity in the software engineering space, and our capstone is like our in-house apprenticeship. It could be on deployment, infrastructure, it could be product design. But at the end of that three-month capstone project, our students are dealing with… have a project that demonstrates their ability to deal with concepts that would only be asked of someone in the field to contend with once they get their first promotion, technologies that typically only software engineer [inaudible ] or early mid-level engineers get exposure to.
That is true
Ruben Ogbonna:
So we’ve had students who have built their own load balancers, or students who built their own component libraries. (more…)